Thursday, February 3, 2011


so i just went on another inadvertent hiatus, but ive just been so busy with work and school lately.

this isn't directly related to fashion, but sometimes i just like to stick in a few other relevant things on my blog. i just wanted to republish this audio from perez hilton of howard stern talking about heterosexism (im sorry one of my pet peeves is when people, i mean everyone does this, but when people use the word homophobia. phobia implies like a compulsive and irrational fear, something more psychological. sexism is a social construct) and why he tries to shy away from using the word "fag."

i am a hardcore believer in equal rights, and consider myself an ally to the LGBT community, so i always am full of pride when someone famous comes out against the inequality in our system.

anyway, he makes such simple, valid points. it's almost impossible to argue with him. check it out!

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